Warm enough to wear alone and thin enough to layer, the SHIELD Heatwave™ glove liner provides a base layer that not only drastically changes how you feel in the cold, but also provides comprehensive antimicrobial protection for these unprecedented times. And with Soundtouch™ touchscreen control you'll never need to expose your fingers to the cold again.
Utilizing HeiQ® Anti-Microbial technology, the SHIELD SoundTouch™ Heatwave™ Glove Liner provides antimicrobial protection inside and out. HeiQ® is EPA registered and provides hypoallergenic, odor-free products you can reuse with confidence. The revolutionary dual heating system found in the Heatwave™ lining reflects and amplifies your body’s heat to produce that warm cozy feeling we all look for in a glove. Reflective Heat, Amplified. Thermal Reflective stage - up to 20% warmer. Kinetic stage - Amplifies Temperature 4-5°.
Recommended for: wearing alone on cold days or layering for extreme warmth.
• HeiQ® Anti-Microbial / Anti-Bacterial Technology - Effective In Minutes*
• SEIRUS’ exclusive Heatwave™ lining as a stand-alone glove liner
• The Original Kinetic & Reflective Heating system for Rapid Heat Return
• The Wicking Kinetic layer amplifies temperature 4-5º
• The Reflective layer returns 20% of your own heat
• Fast heating, fast wicking
• Soundtouch™ technology activates any touchscreen
• Cut & sewn form-fitting construction
• Warms up any glove
• Wash & Reuse for life of product